Can You Put Rubber Backed Area Rugs On Hardwood Floors?

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Hardwood floors are often paired up with rugs to improve their appearance and add texture to the house’s appearance.

However, this can result in some damage to the hardwood floors if you are using the wrong type of rubber-backed area rug on your hardwood floors.

While many people tend to debate this topic, hardwood floors are very delicate in some cases and do not support some materials.

You can certainly put rubber-backed area rugs on hardwood floors but only if they are made of natural rubber. Another type of rubber is harmful to the wooden surface and will surely destroy the hardwood floors over time.

You Can Put Rubber Backed Area Rugs On Hardwood Floors

However, all types of rubbers have their own perks and drawbacks which are mentioned later in the article so make sure to check them out.

What Are Rubber-backed Rugs?

Rubber-backed rugs are simple rugs with a layer of rubber on the back, providing grip and stability.

It prevents the hazards of trippings and sticks to the floor to prevent them from sliding across the surface of the hardwood floors.

Besides, they are available in various sizes, ranging from small door mat sizes to large area rugs for your living room.

What are rubber backed rugs
What are rubber-backed rugs?

In addition, they are not renowned for their cushioning but are popular due to the outstanding grip they provide for the rug on the wooden floors.

They make it impossible for the rug to slide on the floors and cause any spillages.

While there is a wide variety out there, the main 3 types of rubber-backed rugs are as follows:

  • Natural rubber-backed rugs
  • Synthetic rubber-backed rugs
  • Latex rubber-backed rugs

While they might appear the same, they are certainly miles apart from each other. It is important to understand their usage and benefits first to understand how they are made.

Besides, this will also allow you to choose the right type of rubber-backed rug for your hardwood floors if you want to.

In addition, this discussion will also allow us to find the answer to whether you can put rubber-backed area rugs on hardwood floors.

Can You Put Rubber Backed Area Rugs On Hardwood Floors?

If you are using rubber-backed rugs which are made from natural rubber only, these can be placed on hardwood floors.

They are safe for the wooden surface and yield many other benefits in the long run which you will surely like.

Types of Rubber-backed Rugs

Below are some renowned types of rubber-backed rugs which can be considered in the debate.

Natural rubber-backed rugs

Natural rubber pads are considered one of the safest solutions that are suitable yet affordable.

They are made from rubber trees, making them eco-friendly and superior to other types which use PVCs and emit VOCs.

Natural rubber backed rugs
Natural rubber-backed rugs

However, they are not completely organic and contain a few other synthetic components.

Trapped Rubber Tree

This type is perhaps the most organic among this list as they are made directly from the rubber in the tree sap.

Besides, these types of rubbers have immense tensile strength, which makes them highly durable.

Trapped Rubber Tree rugs
Trapped Rubber Tree rugs

However, being stretched significantly allows them not to lose their shape over time, increasing their longevity and practicality.

Although it does not have a life as long as synthetic rubber, it degrades naturally without damaging your hardwood floors.

Another important factor is that it does not release harmful toxins upon application or during use.

There are many advantages to using this type of rubber-backed rugs, such as:

  • They are the safest option for your house as they don’t give off any toxins. The air is sure to be clean and free from harmful toxins. Besides, it is eco-friendly and does not pollute the environment.
  • If you are concerned about the health of your floors, this can be a highly suitable option as it does not leave any scratches or scuff marks on the hardwood floors. Besides, this product has almost no residue upon removal, and it does not discolor your hardwood floors like most of its counterparts.

Synthetic rubber-backed rugs

A synthetic rubber-backed rug is another option for choosing a good alternative for your hardwood floors.

Although these are made from natural rubber, they have been processed with various chemicals, making them synthetic.

Besides, PVC is also used in manufacturing this product as it needs to be extra resilient.

A rug made with PVC and synthetic rubber backing is usually quite cheap, and, commonly, they are not tested for non-toxic content or any VOC emissions.

Synthetic rubber backed rugs
Synthetic rubber-backed rugs

Although they are quite inexpensive, they can easily discolor your hardwood floors in a short amount of time.

However, they still have some benefits which are useful for those who want to get these installed on their hardwood floors:

  • They are extremely resistant to wear and tear factors thanks to their manufacturing composition. They are not easily worn and are durable, which means they will surely last you some years before they wear out.
  • They offer variety and diversity to the homeowner in the form of sizes and colors.

Although they might be very useful and practical, there are certainly more safe options of rug pads for your hardwood floors. Below are some of the drawbacks of using these on your floors.

  • They release dangerous toxins into the air, which can harm your health and your family members. Hence, it is best to use them outdoors and not inside the house.
  • They can deteriorate very quickly and in a way that can damage the hardwood floors severely. The rubber can stick as residue on the floors, while the overall appearance can seem discolored.

Latex-backed rugs

Latex is yet another synthetic type of rubber classified in the polymers category. It is usually synthetic liquid rubber, then solidified into the shape it has lately.

Polymers’ greatest benefit is allowing the product to retain its shape and have immense tensile strength. These hardwood floor rug pads are considered the most efficient for a short time.

Latex backed rugs
Latex backed rugs

However, they are also the most residue-leaving category in this entire list. They are made from clay fillers blended with latex to make them cheap.

However, it has a major drawback of leaving behind the rubber content on the hardwood floors.

One of the greatest differences between latex and natural rubber is the source from which they are made.

While natural rubber is taken from purely tree sap and rubber tree, latex rubber is a compound material harvested from the trunks of 20,000 species that produce it.

Latex has many benefits and attributes, a few of which are non-slip and entirely waterproof. This means that the rug will have a suitable grip on the floors and won’t

However, latex is not as suitable for hardwood floors as it might seem. Here are some of the drawbacks of using latex on your hardwood floors:

  • Latex is not a breathable material which tends to clog the pores of the wooden surface. This can trap much moisture under the rug and lead to molds, discoloration, and damage due to dampness in the floors.
  • Latex is very sticky, and combined with the adhesives, it can stick on the surface of hardwood floors. Hence, upon removal, it leaves stubborn residues which are hard to clean from the surface.

Will Rubber-Backed Rugs Ruin Your Expensive Flooring?

You will not see any damage if you use the right type of rubber rug pads for hardwood floors.

However, if you select a dangerous and harmful type of rubber to be placed on the floors, chances are quite high that the floors will be ruined over time.

Will Rubber Backed Rugs Ruin Your Expensive Flooring

Hardwood Flooring

You can use rubber-backed rugs on hardwood floors if you use natural rubber. All the rugs, free from synthetic materials, are safe for hardwood surfaces.

If you choose a rug with plastic in the composition or something made from artificial rubber that features glues/ adhesives on the back, your hardwood floor will surely be doomed shortly.

Not only can they discolor the hardwood floors, but they can also scratch them and cause serious damage to the floors through trapped moisture.

Moreover, using a synthetic-backed rug for the hardwood floors will stick to the surface rather than gripping it.

This can not only leave residues but can also strip off the hardwood floors’ surface when removed. Hence, it is not wise to use these on your hardwood floors.

Laminate Flooring

Rubber-backed rugs are unsuitable if you have laminate flooring in your house.

It is not about the type of rubber-backed rug which you can use, as rubber is strictly prohibited on laminate floors.

The main reason behind this is that the rubber usually features chemicals that can react with the chemicals on the surface of the laminate.

This can cause reactions that might destroy both the floors and the rugs; for instance, the air and moisture can be trapped between the rug and floors, leading to molds and discoloration.

Similarly, if you consider using latex-backed rugs on laminate floors, you must know that they leave stubborn and sticky residues that can be very hard to remove once seen on the floors.

A common solution in such a situation is to use scraping, but this can, in turn, damage your hardwood floors.


Hardwood floors are an investment on their one and it is not right to treat them in a way that they do not deserve.

Placing synthetic rubber on hardwood floors can have drastic effects as discussed earlier. Hence, a suitable alternative is to use rug tape or rug pads for this purpose.

However, if you are still keen on using these types of rugs, it would be best if you sued rugs that are backed by natural rubber so the surface of your hardwood floors is not spoiled.

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