How To Remove Gum From Hardwood Floors?

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Did you ever accidentally throw the gum on hardwood floors and it just doesn’t come off regardless of what you do?

Or maybe you came across the gum on your hardwood floors and tried to remove it but all your efforts went in vain.

Nevertheless, we have the right solution for you to solve this problem in a matter of time.

To remove gum from hardwood floors, the most effective method involves using ice and mineral spirits. Harden the gum with ice, then scrape it off. Dampen a cloth with mineral spirits to remove residue. Protect the hardwood floor while effectively removing the gum.

Remove Gum From Hardwood Floor

However, the process requires some additional steps for it to work which are mentioned later in the article.

Therefore, make sure to check them out thoroughly so you do not miss out on any important points while removing gum from hardwood floors.

Why Is Gum A Bad Idea For Hardwood Floors?

Leaving gum on hardwood floors might not be the best way to keep your hardwood floors in the best condition as the gum can cause stickiness on the surface leading to a dirty and stained spot on the floor.

Moreover, if it sticks to your foot, it can certainly cause more trouble as the sticky substance will spread all over the floors.

This can make your floors even dirtier and cost you a major cleaning session to clean the surface again.

Therefore, removing gum from hardwood floors as soon as you see it is necessary.

How To Remove Gum From Hardwood Floors?

Removing the gum by hand and then using ice to remove the rest is the best method to remove gum from your hardwood floors, while mineral spirits can help remove the stickiness.

Remove Gum From Hardwood Floors With Ice
Remove Gum From Hardwood Floors With Ice

Having children in the house is one of the greatest reasons behind this problem, as they often tend to spit the gum out once it is not sweet enough.

Or, you might be trying to aim for the bin and throw the gum on your hardwood floors.

In any case, it is necessary to remove it immediately so it does not harden on the floors and cause more trouble afterward.

Here is a detailed method of how to remove gum from hardwood floors:

  1. First, you must try to pull the gum from the floor using your hands. It is best to wear gloves if you do not want to get your hands dirty.
  2. Remnants of the glue may get stuck on the surface, which are stubborn and do not come off very easily. You can use ice to make them lose their grip on the floors.
  3. You can put ice cubes directly on the gum or use an ice bag to dry it with the cold before it can be removed from the surface.
  4. Let the ice sit on the surface for at least 15-20 minutes.
  5. Once the time has passed, remove the bag and get a spatula or a putty knife.
  6. Then, remove as much gum as possible from your hardwood floors.
  7. However, make sure to be gentle, so you do not scratch the surface.
  8. If there are still some stuck residues on the surface, you can use mineral spirits or acetone to eliminate the stickiness.
  9. Pour any of these on a clean cloth and wipe the area with the gum residue.
  10. Once you’ve worked it on the surface, allow it to sit for around 5 minutes.
  11. This will make the gum’s grip lose.
  12. Then, wipe the area with a dry cloth, and the gum will be removed.
  13. Make sure to polish the area or use a wood conditioner afterward to restore any faded color from the floors.

How Do You Get Gum Residue Off Hardwood Floors?

The easiest way to do so is to use ice and mineral spirits. While ice can dry up and harden the gum so it comes off easily, mineral spirits can remove the stickiness on the floors and make that adhesive material lose its strength.

This makes it easier for them to be removed from the floors and the wooden surface remains clean as before.

What Removes Gum From the Floor?

Ice is used to take out the major part of the gum while acetone (nail polish remover) can be used to get rid of the stickiness and residue from the floors.

Both work in combination to make your floors spotless again.

Does Vinegar Remove Gum?

Using distilled vinegar or a water-vinegar solution is one of the easiest ways to remove the gum as well as the residue from your hardwood floors.

Why Does Vinegar Remove Gum?

The acidic properties of the vinegar help to corrode the sticky layer of the gum.

This makes it come off the surface quite easily and allows the gum to be removed completely from your hardwood floors.


If there is gum on your hardwood floors and you are struggling to remove it entirely, rest assured as we’ve got you covered.

By using the method mentioned above, you can easily solve this problem in a matter of time. Therefore, make sure to check it out!

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