How To Fix Holes In Hardwood Floors?

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Hardwood floors can get damaged extensively due to traffic and any unprecedented accidents.

In such situations, one might think of replacing the damaged boards with new ones.

However, this measure might not always be necessary as the holes in the floors can be fixed through various methods which can save you a lot of time and money on the project.

A suitable way to fix the holes in hardwood floors is to use a wood filler or a wood putty to ensure that the hole is filled and the wood is supported properly from the inside.

Fix Holes In Hardwood Floors

These methods are very inexpensive and can easily fix the holes in your hardwood floors and make them look new again.

However, if you are looking for a simple and quick way to fix these holes, you need to read the article till the end for the quickest method for repairing.

What Causes Holes In Hardwood Floors?

One of the most common reasons behind holes in hardwood floors is the accidental dropping of an object on the hardwood floors.

Moreover, furniture with very slim legs that take up a lot of weight and pressure can also result in holes in the floors due to excessive force on a concentrated area.

A similar example is heels that women wear, as it causes extreme pressure on a small spot which can result in holes after a long time of exposure to the same nature of pressure.

Infestations are another reason behind holes in hardwood floors which cause the plank to become hollow from the point resulting in a hole.

Replacing the plank for a small hole is unsuitable; therefore, repairing methods are used to fix the holes in hardwood floors so that the surface looks seamless and spotless.

How To Fix Holes In Hardwood Floors?

The most comprehensive way to fix holes in hardwood floors is to use a wood filler. This is the most reliable solution that can strengthen the wood as it bonds with the wood fibers.

Therefore, it is a permanent solution that can be relied upon, and you can use your hardwood floors afterward without worrying about the floors’ strength or durability.

Although, other methods can also be used for slightly different situations where fillers might not be necessary.

Hence, let us look at all the possible repair methods to fix holes in your hardwood flooring.

Use A Wood Filler

Holes in the hardwood floors can be fixed using wood flyers which are adhesive substances that can stick into the cavity and fill it up.

However, a certain procedure needs to be followed in this scenario. But before we can dive into that, there are some tools and materials you would require for this project.

Use A Wood Filler
Use A Wood Filler

It is better to get those first so you don’t have to run around during the repair procedure.

Here is a list of the items that you will need:

  • Putty knife
  • Epoxy wood replacement compound/filler
  • Rubber gloves

After collecting all these items and setting them up on your workstations, you can now proceed towards fixing the hole in your hardwood floors.

Firstly, you need to ensure that the surrounding area of the hole is not disturbed.

You certainly would want to avoid staining or accidentally gluing the edges of the hole, regardless of whether finished or not.

Hence, the surrounding area should be masked properly to ensure that any substance meant for the crack does not get in touch with any other surface.

You can do this using a cling film or even newspapers. After this is done, put your gloves on, as you will need them to protect your hands from the sticky adhesives before starting the process.

If you don’t want to clean the gloves afterward, it is recommended to use disposable rubber gloves as you don’t have to worry about removing the filler from them (if any comes into contact).

Wood fillers are drying substances made into a semi-liquid, applied to the desired place, and then dry and bonded with the surface.

Therefore, making them beforehand would not have any benefits; it would have already hardened when you try to use them.

To counter this problem, the wood fillers come in a kit that usually contains two chemicals.

These chemicals are two separate components of the adhesive solution that allow you to make the filler whenever you want.

Both must be mixed in the recommended composition to make the fillers fix the cracks in hardwood floors.

You can find the instructions on the packaging and make the solution by following the guidelines.

Another important factor is that it dries quickly once the filter is made.

Once you have made the filler, there is approximately a 20-minute window in which you are supposed to fill the hole with the wood filler to cover it completely.

Thereof, you must be quick and precise. Try covering the edges and walls of the hole first to ensure smooth filling.

After that, you can move towards filling in the hole completely.

This would make the solution dry better and bond with the wood strongly to strengthen the structure of the wood afterward.

Besides, ensure that the filler is filled and leveled with the surface of the wood. It must not be less than the surface level, as it would show a visible level difference.

In addition, it is recommended to overfill the hole just a bit, as the solution will contract once dried. Besides, any excess can be removed with a cloth or sanded down afterward.

Another important factor here is that you need to give the top layer of the filler some texture to make it look in line with the wooden surface.

A suitable way to do so is to use a comb and run it toward the wood grain. This would also prevent the filler’s upper layer from looking bland and separate from the wood.

If there is an excess of the filler, you can wipe it off using a knife and a clean cloth.

After completing this process, you would need time to dry and harden it. Although the exact time might vary from product to product, leaving it overnight can be a good idea.

After this time has passed and the wood filler has dried, you might need to sand it down.

Again, follow the same procedure of protecting the surrounding wood with cling film or newspapers so you don’t sand it down accidentally.

Grind the surface with at least 120 grit sandpaper until it is fine in texture and level with the rest.

Once this is done, you can see for yourself as the crack would be filled and the surface would be as good as new.

Use A Wood Putty

If the hole is very small and not too deep, using a wood filler might not be the most suitable idea for this situation.

Wood filler would be an excessive quantity of material, most of which would go to waste after the process as small holes can’t use much of it.

Use A Wood Putty
Use A Wood Putty

In such situations, using wood putty can be helpful as it allows the hole to be filled without having to do complex procedures and other such measures.

Wood putty works best for small holes and cracks, so you don’t have to go for resurfacing or replacement, and you can save money.

However, there is one important factor that you must know before you opt for wood putties to fill in the holes in your hardwood floors.

Wood putty does not solidify or harden like fillers, and it does not bond with the wood.

Therefore, if you are looking forward to repairing an area with extensively high traffic or want to fix upon the structural strength of the plank, you might need to rethink your decision.

As extensive traffic puts much pressure on the floors, having holes or cracks in such an area is not recommended to be filled with wood putty as it can’t provide the right level of rigidness.

However, using wood putty also has its benefits. Firstly, you don’t need to sand the floors using wood putty.

As it does not bond with the wood, it doesn’t require any sanding of the wood’ surface to make it smooth.

Moreover, sanding it after drying or completing the application is also unnecessary for the same reason.

Using wood putty is one of the easiest ways to fix holes in hardwood floors, as all you need to do is fill the hole with the right amount of putty.

Once that is done, you can easily remove the excess product from the floor’s surface, if any. The excess can be removed using a clean cloth or tissue paper.

One noticeable thing about the wood putty is that it usually does not accept stains. While various products might respond differently to staining, the general narrative is that they can’t be stained.

However, wood putty comes in various colors, so you don’t have to stain it and it can match the color and tone of your hardwood floors.

This way, not only does it save you a lot of effort and time, but it also saves much money if the project.

This is another reason why wood putty is known as one of the most economical and reliable solutions to fix holes in hardwood floors.

Besides, with diverse colors, it would not be hard to find the right tone for your hardwood floors so the repaired area does not stand out.

Use A Wood Tape

If the holes on your hardwood floors are very small or at some place where there isn’t any traffic expected (such as the border of the floors or behind the doors), you don’t need to use a wood putty or wood filler in these areas if you do not want to.

Sholes or cracks in such areas that do not pose much threat can also be countered with wood tape that can completely conceal them.

Use A Wood Tape
Use A Wood Tape

Although this method is not recommended for holes that are very deep or have been caused through infestations or other such reasons, you can surely use this method on small holes which are not too deep and are at a side of the room.

Wood tape is a quick and easy fix that completely hides the holes and prevents the appearance of your hardwood floors from degrading.

Although it is very easy, it is a temporary method that only works for the appearance and look of the floors and does not fill or support the wood from any point.

Therefore, you should only opt for this solution if the hole is not too serious, the floors are not used too much, and you want to save money on it.

However, you won’t face any problems with getting the right color to match your hardwood floors, as these are available in numerous shades and tones to give you the perfect match.

Wood tape is also suitable for those who do not want to fix the holes immediately due to a lack of time or funds.

They can, therefore, cover the hole with tape for the time being until they can spare time or funds to get it fixed using one of the two methods mentioned above or any other.

Furthermore, the wood tape is not only suitable for holes but is also very useful when it comes to covering cracks and gaps in hardwood planks.

Hence, it is a suitable option for a quick and easy fix for the time being, which is also extremely affordable.


Hardwood floors can get holes due to various reasons as discussed before. However, you need not worry as these damages can be repaired if given proper attention on time.

You won’t need to go towards resurfacing the floors if you’ve recently identified minor damage and want to fix it.

Therefore, if you also have holes in the hardwood floors, it’s best to use the methods mentioned above to fix them.

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