What Kind Of Rug Pad Is Safe For Hardwood Floors?

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Hardwood floors are one of the most expensive features of a house’s interior, and protecting and adorning them is the homeowner’s duty.

A suitable way to do so is to add rugs in the house, which will help improve the interior’s appearance and help with sound-dampening and cushioning effects under the feet.

However, rugs can grit the floors and cause scratches so that the floors can receive additional wear and tear.

Felt and natural rubber rug pads are safe for hardwood floors, providing a protective barrier, preventing scratches, and offering cushioning. Opt for high-quality ones to avoid damage.

Safe rug pads for hardwood floors

However, rug pads come in various varieties, and it becomes hard to distinguish between them or choose the right one as most are almost similar.

The type of rug you have bought will be a great determining factor in which rug mat you will get.

Many types of rug mats are present in the market, but choosing the right one is crucial. If you are also wondering what kind of rug pad is safe for hardwood floors, keep reading, and you’ll find out.

What Kind Of Rug Pad Is Safe For Hardwood Floors?

A felt or natural fiber rubber pad is the safest rug pad for hardwood floors due to its soft fibers and high gripping power.

However, the main factor in deducing the right type of rug pad for you is the type of rug placed on your hardwood floors.

Not all rugs are the same, and they have different properties requiring different types of rug mats to complement them the best.

Here are some of the common types of rug pads which you can get for your hardwood floors:

  • Natural-rubber pad
  • Polyvinyl-based pad
  • Synthetic-latex pad
  • Felt-rubber hybrid pad

Besides, the best way to choose the right rug pad for your rug is to keep in mind the right texture and thickness of the rug.

A common tip to remember is that the thicker the rug is, the thinner the pad you need, and vice versa.

Moreover, for a rug with coarse fibers or a rough structure, you would need something strong to be placed under it with high gripping power to absorb the grit from the pad and stay put in the same place.

For instance, you might need a thin pad for a braided cotton rubber-backed area rug to keep the rug from slipping on the hardwood surface.

However, a wool rug is considered coarse and not suitable for your hardwood floors to be put on them directly.

The reason is that the rug pads might scratch the surface due to the texture and the thickness; hence, you would need a thick natural or rubber felt pad to keep it in place.

So, make sure to use a strong pad under the wool rugs that you buy.

Apart from these, the natural fiber rubber pad is the most popular in this category due to its resilience and agility.

Hardwood floors are good surfaces for rubber, and a natural rubber pad is believed not to leave as much residue this rug pad provides a suitable source of protection for the hardwood floors.

Dangers That An Unsafe Rug Pad Poses To Your Hardwood Floors

Generally, all the rug pads in the market are imported, which takes away the user’s right to trust the manufacturer and supplier, leading to uncertainties regarding the quality and performance of the pads.

Besides, many cheap imported rugs contain substances such as VOCs, which are harmful to you and your kids and can also cause serious health issues to your pets.

Not only does this harm your health and put your pet at risk, but it also makes the area in the house unbreathable due to the smells of the toxins.

Besides, the chemicals on the surface of these pads can react with the chemicals on the surface of your hardwood floors or finishes.

This can result in the release of toxins in the atmosphere, which might make it difficult for you to breathe in your own house and may pose health risks.

In addition, synthetic latex is a common component of some rug pads, but many sub-standard products include styrene.

For those who don’t know, this is a carcinogen which can be extremely hazardous to your health. Inhaling these toxic particles can cause problems in your respiratory system and exposure to this substance can even cause cancers over time.

Another drawback of choosing the wrong or harmful rug pad is that it can dissolve the finish on your hardwood floors.

You are at great risk if you have polyurethane floors, as many low-quality rug pads contain phthalates. For those who do not know this, Phthalates make plastics tougher and more durable.

It makes the material stronger and harder to break even if applied forcefully. However, the downside is that they are toxic and often used as dissolving agents.

This can react with the poly finish on your hardwood floors and cause them to dissolve, resulting in serious damage to the hardwood floors.

Adding another coat of poly finish is highly expensive, so you can get a hefty bill if you use the wrong rug pad for your hardwood floors.

How To Choose A Safe Rug Pad For Hardwood Floors?

Choosing the safest rug pad for your hardwood floors involves many factors, such as protection, drug safety, etc. Considering these factors, you can easily choose the right rug pad for your hardwood floors.

Below are some detailed points that need to be considered while choosing the right rug pad for your hardwood floors.


You need to check the safety the rug pads provide to your rug and yourself while walking on it. The pad should keep the pads flat and stationary.

The rug should not bunch up or slide in either direction when someone walks on it.

Also Read: How To Clean An Area Rug On Hardwood Floors?

Protection & Comfort

While safety is important for the person walking on the rugs, the protection of the floors should also be addressed.

The pad should not damage the rug’s underside and keep the hardwood floors safe.

Often, rugs and carpets have an abrasive effect as the underside of these items is rough and coarse, which can cause grit on the floors.

Moreover, the rugs can also discolor the floors by dyeing them the same color as theirs. A rug pad should be able to cater to all these factors.

Besides, the rug pad should be thick enough to provide ample cushioning under the feet.

Rug preservation

One of the major reasons to have a rug pad is to protect the rugs from getting worn out too quickly.

The rug’s fibers can get abrased when they grind onto the hardwood surface which can deteriorate them to a certain extent.

A rug pad should provide a soft space with ample compression to the rugs so the fibers can expand and contract easily without worrying about the stiff surface underneath.

How To Choose A Safe Rug Pad For Hardwood Floors?
A Safe Rug Pad For Hardwood Floors

Types of Rug Pad

You can choose from several rug pad varieties according to your preference and the rug you have. Below are some of the most common types of rug pads in the market.

Polyvinyl-based (PVC): Usually, these varieties of non-slip rug pads have a great PVC content. Besides, it is often common that they are not tested for non-toxic content or any VOC emissions.

Although they are quite inexpensive, they might discolor your hardwood floors in a short amount of time.

Synthetic Latex: These rug pads are considered the most efficient for a short time. However, they are also the most residue-leaving category in this entire list.

They are made from clay fillers blended with latex to make them cheap. However, it has a major drawback of leaving behind the rubber content on the hardwood floors.

100% Natural Rubber: Natural rubber pads are considered one of the safest solutions that are suitable yet affordable.

They are made from rubber trees, making them eco-friendly and superior to other types which use PVCs and emit VOCs.

They are usually medium proceed and feature no significant drawback. Furthermore, they provide the added benefit of giving a non-stick grip to the floors, which ensures 0 residues.

100% Felt Pads: If you want additional cushioning under your feet or have very thin rugs, felt pads are an excellent option.

Although felt does not have an efficient gripper as rubber, it can work very well under large rugs, increasing the surface area and decreasing the chances of slipping and sliding.

This is the densest and most comfortable material on the list and is worth consideration. Besides, it is an eco-friendly option made from recycled materials.

Felt/ Rubber Hybrid Pad: This is a hybrid between the felt and rubber pads which makes it suitable to get the best of both worlds.

It is highly efficient in both gripping and cushioning and can be called the most functional type of rug pad on this list.


Choosing the right pads for your rugs and hardwood floor is a crucial process which should be noticed.

If you want to ensure the safety and longevity of your floors and want the rug to remain in pristine condition for as long as possible, you must install rug pads ASAP.

They are an important measure that provides substantial benefits to both the rugs and the hardwood floors.

Hence, if you need clarification about what kind of rug pad is safe for hardwood floors, follow the guide above and select the most suitable rug pads for your house today!

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