Walnut Vs Oak Flooring: Which Wood Floor Is Best In 2024?

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Choosing the right flooring for your home is a significant decision, impacting both the aesthetics and functionality of your living space. Two popular options in the world of hardwood flooring are walnut and oak, each bringing its unique characteristics and charm.

If you want a luxurious look and don’t mind spending more, choose walnut. Go for oak if you need something tougher and more affordable. Think about your style, how much you use the space, and your budget when deciding.

Difference between walnut and oak flooring
What’s the Difference between walnut and oak flooring?

From the elegant, dark hues of walnut to the robust and versatile nature of oak, I will explore aspects such as durability, water resistance, ease of staining, budget-friendliness, and cleaning requirements. So stay tuned until the end of this article.

What Is Walnut Flooring?

Walnut is known for its rich, dark color that adds a touch of elegance and warmth to any room. It’s less common than oak, which can give your space a unique look. Walnut is relatively soft compared to oak, making it more susceptible to scratches and dents (1).

What Is Walnut Flooring?
What Is Walnut Flooring?

However, its deep color can help hide minor damages better than lighter woods. Walnut is also more expensive due to its rarity and the demand for its distinctive look.

Get to know the difference between Ash and oak hardwood floors.


  • Offers a rich, dark color that adds elegance and warmth to any room.
  • Less common than oak, providing a distinctive and upscale look.
  • Deep color can help hide minor scratches and dents better than lighter woods.
  • Typically has a straighter grain, but can feature waves or curls for a more refined look.


  • More susceptible to scratches and dents, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Generally more expensive than oak due to its rarity and high demand.
  • Softness makes it less ideal for spaces with heavy furniture or lots of activity.
  • May require more careful maintenance to preserve its appearance.

What Is Oak Flooring?

Oak, on the other hand, is more widely available and comes in two varieties: red oak and white oak.

Red oak has a warmer tone with a more pronounced grain, while white oak is harder, has a cooler tone, and a subtler grain.

Oak waterproof flooring
Oak waterproof flooring

Oak is known for its durability and resistance to wear, making it a practical choice for high-traffic areas. It’s also typically less expensive than walnut and offers more options in terms of finishes and stains.

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  • Known for its strength and resistance to wear, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.
  • Typically less expensive than walnut, offering good value for its durability.
  • Comes in two varieties, red oak and white oak, each with unique tones and grain patterns.
  • Especially white oak, which is more resistant to scratches and suitable for homes with pets or commercial spaces.
  • Harder surface makes it easier to clean and less prone to staining.
  • Good resistance to water, although not completely waterproof.
  • Accepts stains easily, allowing for a wide range of color customization.


  • More widely available, which can make it less unique compared to walnut.
  • While attractive, the strong grain of oak might not appeal to everyone, especially those preferring a smoother look.
  • Natural color variations can be a pro or a con, depending on personal preference and design needs.
  • While a pro in terms of durability, the hardness of oak can make it less comfortable underfoot compared to softer woods like walnut.

Walnut Vs Oak Flooring: What’s The Difference?

Walnut Is Softer Than Oak Flooring

Walnut flooring is known for its softness compared to oak. This characteristic makes walnut less durable in high-traffic areas but can also contribute to a warmer and more comfortable underfoot experience.

Its softer nature means it might be more prone to dents and scratches under heavy furniture or in busy households.

Wood TypeJanka Hardness Rating
Black Walnut1010
White Oak1360
Red Oak1290

White Oak Is More Resistant To Scratches

White oak flooring is tougher and more resistant to scratches than walnut. This makes it a suitable choice for areas with high foot traffic, homes with pets, or in commercial settings.

Its hard surface can withstand more wear and tear, maintaining its appearance over a longer period.

Walnut And Oak Both Are Resistant To Water

Both walnut and oak have good resistance to water compared to other wood types. However, it’s important to note that no wood flooring is completely waterproof.

Regular maintenance and quickly addressing spills can help preserve both types of floors in good condition.

Walnut And Oak Accept Stains Easily

Both walnut and oak are known for their ability to accept stains well. This property allows for a wide range of color customization, making it easier to match the flooring to different interior designs.

However, the natural color of the wood can influence the final shade of the stain.

Don’t miss to check out white and red oak flooring comparison.

Oak Is More Budget-friendly Than Walnut Flooring

Generally, oak flooring is more budget-friendly than walnut. Oak’s availability and ease of sourcing make it a more economical option for many homeowners.

This cost-effectiveness, combined with its durability, makes oak a popular choice for flooring.

Oak Floor Is Easier To Clean Than Walnut

Oak flooring is relatively easier to clean and maintain compared to walnut. Its harder surface is less prone to staining and can be cleaned using standard wood floor cleaners without the risk of damage.

Regular sweeping and occasional mopping can keep oak floors looking new for years.

Walnut Has A Naturally Dark Color

Walnut naturally has a rich, dark color ranging from a deep brown to a black hue, with a grain that is typically straight but can also display waves or curls.

This natural coloration provides a luxurious and sophisticated look, making walnut flooring a popular choice for elegant and high-end interiors.

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Walnut Flooring Typically Has A Straighter Grain than oak

Walnut flooring typically has a straight grain, but it can also feature waves or curly patterns. The grain is generally finer and smoother, offering a more uniform and elegant look.

The rich, deep brown to almost black hues of walnut enhance its grain patterns, making them subtle yet visually striking.

This gives walnut floors a luxurious and sophisticated appeal, perfect for formal spaces or areas where a touch of elegance is desired.

On the other hand, oak flooring is known for its strong, pronounced grain pattern. The grain in oak can vary from straight lines to more complex, swirling patterns.

This visible and often varied grain texture adds character and a rustic charm to the flooring.

Oak’s natural color ranges from light beige to a medium brown, which highlights its grain and offers a more traditional and earthy look. This makes oak flooring a versatile choice, fitting well in both contemporary and classic interior designs.

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Final Thoughts

The choice between walnut and oak flooring depends largely on your personal preferences, the intended use of the space, and your budget. Walnut offers a rich, sophisticated look perfect for creating a statement, while oak provides durability and versatility at a more affordable price.

Both have their unique advantages, and the decision should be based on what aligns best with your lifestyle and the aesthetic you wish to achieve in your home.

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