How To Remove Stain From Hardwood Floors Without Sanding?

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Hardwood floors get stained quite constantly and it becomes a nuisance for homeowners to clean it up every time.

Moreover, many stains are too rigid, and removing them becomes quite a job in itself. A common recommendation in such scenarios is to sand the floors.

However, too much sanding can wear out the floors and make them weak and useless before time.

To remove stains from hardwood floors without sanding, wood detergents are the most effective. They restore color and texture without damaging the surface, providing an easy solution for stain removal on hardwood floors.

Remove Stain From Hardwood Floors Without Sanding

If you also want to know the detailed method of how to clean and remove stains from hardwood floors, read the following passage in detail to get to know about it.

What Causes Stains On Hardwood Floors?

Spillages are the most common reason for stains on hardwood floors.

However, there can be other reasons, such as dropping food items on the floors, using the wrong type of wood detergent, or placing something hot on the floor.

However, these stains can be removed with a few simple steps, which are not difficult at all.

Therefore, you are also looking forward to easy ways to remove stains from hardwood floors without sanding. Keep on reading.

How To Remove Stain From Hardwood Floors Without Sanding?

If you are also looking forward to removing stains on your hardwood floors, follow the guide below to understand the process completely:

Identify The Type of Stain

Before you can try to remove it, it is necessary that you first identify the type of stain on your hardwood floors so you can act accordingly and use the right type of remedy for the stain.

Usually, the cause of the stain will tell you its type, and then you can find out how to remove it.

Identify The Type of Stain
Identify The Type of Stain

If not, you can check if the stain is greasy, discolored, or stinks and then use the proper cleaning and stain removal method.

Also Read: How To Remove Hardwood Stains: Expert Techniques Revealed

Act Fast

A common mistake most homeowners make is that they wait out the stain removal process, which can damage your hardwood floors.

Now that sanding is not involved and you do not have to make the extra effort, you must act quickly to remove the stains.

Act Fast
Act Fast

Whether the stain was made in front of you or if you identified it after some time, clean it as soon as possible.

You might not be taking into account that wood is a porous substance, and even with a finish on, there is a high chance that spillages and other stems might seep into the wood pores.

They can get absorbed in the wooden planks and even pass through to the subflooring structure, weakening it over time.

Therefore, cleaning the spillages and stains as soon as they are seen is always recommended to avoid extensive damage.

Use Ammonia Solution

A common and effective way of removing stains from hardwood floors is to use an ammonia solution.

It can remove all types of stains and provide the floors with the right treatment to remove discolorations and restore the wood’s original color.

Use Ammonia Solution
Use Ammonia Solution

Contrary to common beliefs, using an ammonia solution is quite a simple process if you know the basics.

Here is a simplified method of using it:

  • Depending on your preference, you can get an ammonia-based cleaner or diluted ammonia. However, you might need to dilute it further according to the type of wood and the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Once ready, pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it to the stained area.
  • Make sure to cover the area completely.
  • Use a clean cloth to rub it in so it can remove the stain from within the wood fibres. You can also use a scrubbing brush for this purpose.
  • Wipe away the solution after 3-5 minutes with a clean damp cloth.
  • Dry completely.

Once this is done, your hardwood floors will be cleaned again, as ammonia is one of the best cleaners on the market.

Moreover, most of the stains are acidic; therefore, using ammonia will also help to restore the right pH level of the wood.

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Use Acetone

If you think that using ammonia is a too harsh process and your hardwood floors deserve something softer, you can use acetone.

It is an amazing cleaner with a very mild nature yet highly effective cleaning abilities. Acetone is also used in nail polish removers due to its excellent cleaning properties.

It helps to remove stains on hardwood floors as well as any stickiness caused by spillages or other reasons.


Below is the detailed method of how to use acetone to clean stains from hardwood floors:

  • Take your acetone and dilute it according to recommendations (check the packaging for instructions).
  • Put this solution in a spray bottle and apply it to the stained areas on your hardwood floors and work it in using a clean cloth so the solution can clean the surface from within.
  • Once done, let the solution sit on the floor for almost 5 minutes.
  • After this time has passed, wipe the floors with a damp cloth and rub it considerably to remove the grease and the solution from the hardwood floors.
  • Lastly, dry the floor using a kitchen towel or clean cloth.

After you’ve followed all these steps precisely, your hardwood floors will be cleaned again, and the stains will be removed from the hardwood surface.

Use Wood Detergents

Although often debated, wood detergents are also one of the most effective and easy-to-remove stains from hardwood floors without sanding.

You might not realize their importance until you find a detergent and see the results yourself.

Besides, you can find a suitable detergent for your hardwood floors which supports the wood type and the finished/unfinished floors.

Use Wood Detergents
Use Wood Detergents

Moreover, they also come in handy when you do not know the type of stain on your floors.

As they are made with a general cleaning formula, they are effective against almost all types of stains and help remove them completely from your wooden floors.

You can take help from the following method if you do not know the right way to remove stains from hardwood floors using a detergent:

  • Mix the detergent into cold/warm water in the right concentration (check instructions on packaging )
  • Once the solution is made, use either a clean cloth or a spray bottle to apply the solution to the stained area.
  • Make sure to cover the stained area with the cleaning solution completely.
  • Use a cloth to rub it in, and then let it stay on the surface for a few minutes (5-10 minutes in general, but you can check instructions for precise timings).
  • After all, this has been done, use a clean cloth to wipe off the solution from your hardwood floors and dry them up quickly.

This process can effectively remove any type of stain from your hardwood floors.

Besides, with rigid stains such as pain or ink, you always have to face a lurking danger of getting the wood discolored in an attempt to clean the stain.

However, this is not the case with wood detergents, as they are made safe for the surface of the wood and can remove all types of stains without damaging the wooden surface.

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Final Words

It is not possible to completely eliminate the stains from hardwood floors or prevent them entirely.

However, you can ensure effective removal of them on time if you want clean and clear wooden floors with no spots on them.

If you are unaware of any cleaning methods, use any of the ones mentioned above to make your hardwood floors spotless again.

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