How To Fix Squeaky Hardwood Floors?

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Hardwood floors can get squeaky in winter or even on normal days throughout the year.

While there are many underlying reasons for this; a lot of people tend to ignore this extra noise and carry on with their daily chores.

However, not giving this issue the due attendance can result in major damage to your hardwood floors.

From moisture damage to structural breakdowns, a lot can happen if you do not fix your squeaky floors on time.

The best way to fix squeaky hardwood floors is to check for moisture and add wooden blocks between joists to decrease the gap and load from the joists. These measures are comprehensive and can cater to all types of problems caused by the squeakiness of the hardwood floors.

Fix Squeaky Hardwood Floors

However, there are some other easier methods as well which can help you in fixing this issue without the complex procedures if the problem has just started.

These methods are mentioned below so make sure you pay attention.

Why Does My Hardwood Floor Squeak?

Gaps between the subfloor and joists structures, dry planks, or loose nails/ screws can cause the floors to become squeaky.

Besides, a loose subfloor can cause your floors to shake when you walk on them.

You may experience extensive squeaking in your floors when you cover them or if any machinery is running on top of them, such as a washing machine or a massage chair.

While many people think of it as something very minor and ignore it, it can prove very dangerous, and the consequences would surely not be what you desire.

Many homeowners adjust to this sound and the shakiness that comes with it and consider it an act of time that the floors have become squeaky and think there is no way to fix this.

However, reality begs to differ, as identifying the root cause can allow you to fix this problem without spending thousands of dollars on hiring services to fix or replace the floors due to collapsing.

While squeaking might not seem like a major problem, it can certainly beget major problems for you.

Many people consider changing the floors or taking services from professionals as the only ways you can hope to fix these issues, but if you are keen enough, you can do it yourself.

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How To Fix Squeaky Hardwood Floors? | Causes And Solution

The major reason behind the squeaking of floors is the wood rubs on wood or the metal fasteners used to hold the structure together.

But a question begets a question, doesn’t it? This happens when things that should stay static start to move and shift for various reasons.

For instance, the sound might be coming from movement in your subflooring structure which might have gotten loose, or the friction between the subfloor and joists, etc.

Any of these can be the reason behind this problem, and hence, it is important first to identify the underlying reason before you can move towards the solution and fix the problem.

First, you must check the underside of the floors or the subflooring structure. There are many easy ways to do this, but you must put in some effort.

Having a basement, crawl space, or a basement with a drop ceiling can be an excellent way to check the subflooring for your hardwood floors.

However, if you don’t have one, you must strip a few boards from the squeaky area to check what’s wrong.

Remember that you should only do this if you are skilled in woodwork or carpentry; otherwise, seeking help from a professional in this scenario is always suitable.

If you have access or somehow managed it after locating the squeaky area, check the underside of the floor and look out for these factors to better identify the root problem behind the squeakiness of your floors:

  • Loose subfloor or gaps in the structure
  • Damaged or sagged joists
  • Displaced joists which can be bowed or uneven
  • Unnecessary movements in the structure (vertical/lateral)
  • Any other component which is loose or damaged.
How To Identify The Reason Behind Squeaky Floors
How To Identify The Reason Behind Squeaky Floors

However, there can be instances where finding the squeak under the floors becomes impossible as there is no sign or indicator to show such damage.

In this situation, the reason behind the squeaking lies above the floors. This can be hard to detect as there aren’t as many signs and indications on top of the floors as underneath them.

As this can be a bit harder, you might need to put some effort in and check for the problem by using a trial-and-error process.

One of the suitable ways is to look for wooden planks which have lifted a bit from the surface of the entire flooring.

This can indicate loose screwing or nailing, and it might be possible that any adhesive used for fastening the board to the subfloor has dried up and caused the floor to lift.

Moreover, check for shakiness when you walk on the floors, as squeaky floors vibrate slightly when you put pressure on them.

Buckled floors are also a clear indication of this problem and will notify you of the area where you need to find the problem.

By repeating this process over and over for every plank, you will be able to identify the reason and the exact area of squeakiness.

Once you have identified it, it is now time to move towards fixing the problem once and for all.

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How To Fix Squeaky Hardwood Floors?

You can use humidifiers, powdered or spray lubricants to fix squeaky floors. If you are looking forward to fixing the squeaky floors and want expert advice on how to do it, say no more.

Hiring a professional can be a headache and an expensive job, and if you think you have the relevant skill set, it is always better to do the job yourself.

There are some easy ways to fix this problem, but make sure you apply the solution according to the reason identified for the squeakiness of the floors.

Below are some easy tips and methods through which you can get satisfactory results but make sure to gather the equipment and follow safety guidelines first.

Follow All Safety Precautions

Safety must be your priority when dealing with any repair procedure. While repairing your hardwood floors might sound like fun, it can be dangerous if not handled carefully or if the safety precautions are ignored.

It is important to wear the following before you can start to attempt any repairs on your hardwood floors:

  • Safety Glasses
  • Dust Mask
  • Protective Gloves

These can protect you from slivers, sawdust, respiratory issues, and eye irritation.

Increase the Humidity

One of the most common reasons behind squeaking is dry boards. Due to acclimation and adjustment according to climates, you might see a different result in the wood’s appearance.

The boards can become shorter and contract if the moisture content is too low. This can result in gaps being created in the nailing and subfloor.

Increase the Humidity
Increase the Humidity

The gaps allow for additional compression, leading to the floors’ squeaking.

This problem is often seen in winter and is completely normal as the air is drier and the temperatures are low.

However, if not fixed on time or ignored for too long, the problem can retain itself for the entire year and may worsen with time.

Therefore, a suitable solution is to increase the humidity and moisture content of the area. There are various ways to do that, but installing a humidifier in the room is the easiest.

The humidity and vapors will absorb the wood, promoting it to expand and fill the unnecessary gaps.

However, if you don’t have a humidifier, you can use a steamer or place boiling-hot water in the room to steam it up and allow vapors in the air.

Use Powdered Lubricants

Another common reason for squeaking floors is the tongue-and-groove method in hardwood floors.

They are a reliable and renowned method of holding the floors together and acting as primary fastening options.

However, they can grit on themselves or the wood to cause these noises. In such cases, you will only need a little lubrication to prevent the problem from growing and fixing it entirely.

However, if you don’t have a lubricant or don’t want to apply it, you can also use baby powder or talcum powder to eliminate this problem.

Use Powdered Lubricants
Use Powdered Lubricants

The easiest way to apply the SqueaksGone lubricant is to identify the area with a squeakiness, and if it is a joint, you can easily apply the powder in the crack or on the sides of the joint so that the powder encircles the joint from within.

Then, you must use a brush to rub it onto the surface and make it settle into the crack.

Repeat this process a few times until the crack has been filled and no more powder can be added to the area.

Once done, you can remove the excess powder using a damp cloth.

After this, ensure not to vacuum the area for some time as you might draw in all the powder, and your repair method would fail drastically.

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Spray a Wood-Safe Dry Lubricant

Similar to the previously mentioned remedy, this method is also useful for preventing squeaky floors. Spray lubricants are similar to powdered ones but are much easier to apply and use.

Besides, they are specifically made for such purposes, which makes them highly efficient and effective.

However, not all spray lubricants are safe for wood, as some might contain materials which would damage the wooden surface.

Spray a Wood Safe Dry Lubricant
Spray a Wood Safe Dry Lubricant

Hence, it is recommended to check whether the product is suitable for wooden surfaces.

A suitable way to check this is to spray a small amount of the lubricant on a hidden area under the plank or anywhere else where it would not be visible.

Check if there is any discoloration on the surface of the floors or not.

If you’ve seen no change in color, the product is safe for wood and can be used for the purpose you brought it for.

Apply this to the joists using the same method as a powdered lubricant. Fill the crack up and wipe the excess with a damp cloth.

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Use Blocks To Fill Gaps

If your wooden floor is still squeaky after the measures mentioned earlier, you need to add blocks in the joist spacing to decrease the extra room and provide more support.

A simple fault to look for is to check the spacing between joists.

Use Blocks To Fill Gaps
Use Blocks To Fill Gaps

The value must be 16 inches to cut 12-inch wide sections between them. Moreover, before attempting to place blocks between exposed floor joists, make sure you mark them with numbers.

The blocks must be cut out of 2-by-6 framing lumber; you can use a circular saw or a handsaw. The blocks must be placed horizontally 6-inch-wide side lying flat on the ground.

This is for optimum stability at the bottom of the subflooring. Afterward, you must install framing connectors to the structure to hold it together.

Usually, their measurement is 2-by-3 inches, but it might vary depending on the size of your project.

Moreover, you must ensure that the outside corners of these connectors are aligned with the ends of the blocks. Now we can move towards attaching these to the joists.

All you need to do is take one of the 4-inch sides and extend it upwards from the face of the block.

Then, drive a 1/4-inch joist-hanger nail using a hammer into each hole you’ve already drilled. Make sure to drill the holes on opposite sides of the block faces and connectors.


Hardwood floors can get squeaky due to various reasons. However, this problem can be solved with a few simple steps if you want to keep the floors in their condition.

If you also face the same problems with your floors, it is best that you consult the methods mentioned above and fix your squeaky floors so that they are kept from retaining any further damage and losing their original shape or shine over time.

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