How To Fix Gaps In Hardwood Floors?

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Hardwood floors acclimate according to the season which means that they adjust to the climatic conditions and the moisture content in the air.

As a result, they expand and contract accordingly. However, if the subfloor is not snug enough or there is loose nailing in the planks, they might shift from their position causing gaps which would require structural repairs.

However, if you do not want to go into that, there is an easy way.

Gaps in hardwood floors can be fixed by putting in strips of wood in the cavities which can keep the structure firm and prevent any further movement.

Fix Gaps In Hardwood  Floors

This method is reliable and even very easy to apply as it does not require any complex steps.

However, there are other easier ways too which won’t give the same level of strength but are surely a suitable cure to gaps for the time being.

Therefore, make sure to check out the rest of the article thoroughly to get all the necessary information.

What Causes Gaps In Hardwood Floors?

The most common reason for gaps in the hardwood floors is the contraction of wood combined with improper installation of the subflooring and the moving of the boards.

In many cases where the subfloor is not tightly attached to the planks, they might move from their original place and cause gaps.

This is a common problem faced by homeowners who need proper knowledge and experience in pursuit of saving money to DIY the installation process.

However, it would be best if you did not try this yourself unless you have prior knowledge or experience in this niche.

You should contact and hire a professional for the job so you don’t have to face such issues.

Besides, the professional you hired must have complete knowledge of the flooring material being used and the requirements of the material according to the atmospheric conditions so that adjustments can be made accordingly.

If you know the basics of hardwood flooring, you would be aware that wood needs to expand and contract, as a result, leaving gaps in the wooden surface between the boards or the subflooring and the planks.

Besides, these gaps can grow once the wood contracts, especially in winter. If not fixed on time, they might cause serious damage to your floors and even pose many risks.

How To Fix Gaps In Hardwood Floors?

The best way to fix gaps is to fill them using a piece of wood. This can keep the structure firm and tight and prevent the boards from doing too much.

However, you can also use other methods, such as tape or wood putty, to fill in or cover them up.

Fill The Gaps With Wood Strips

The most durable and preferred solution to fix gaps in hardwood floors is to use wood strips to fill in the gaps in hardwood floors and ensure that the planks do not move.

Below is a detailed explanation of the process, so do check it out:

Step 1: Cut the Strips

It would help to cut the strips according to the right measurements to place them in the gap. You would need the right width and length of the gaps between the planks to do so.

Take separate measurements for all gaps, as you’d want to fill them according to their dimensions.

Cut the Strips
Cut the Strips

Once you have these figures, cut out the wood according to your measurements.

You can either use a spare board that you saved up during installation, or you can get another plank from the retailer that matches the existing floors.

You can use a miter saw or hand saw to cut the pieces and prefer to choose the grooved side of the spare floorboard.

Once this is done, you are ready to move on to filling the gaps. However, wear safety gear and cut with precaution so you don’t hurt yourself.

Step 2: Glue the Strips in Place

Once the wooden strips have been cut, apply wood glue in the gaps between the hardwood floors and the bottom of the hardwood strip.

Then, gently fit the strips into the gaps in hardwood floors so they are snugly placed into the gap.

Glue the Strips in Place
Glue the Strips in Place

You can use a mallet or a hammer to tap them in but don’t hit too hard, or you may hurt the surface of the wood.

You should make the strip sit level with the rest of the floorboards so it does not look prominent or separate from the other boards.

Once this has been done, you can wipe off any extra glue with the help of a clean damp cloth.

Step 3: Sand and Stain the Strips

After the wood strips have been placed, you can get a high-grit sandpaper ranging from 120 to 180 grit and sand the strip and the surrounding area to make the grain equally fine from all sides.

However, ensure not to damage the finish or the surface of the wood.

Sand and Stain the Strips
Sand and Stain the Strips

Lastly, use the same stain as the one used on the rest of the floor to get the same color on the wood strip, and the appearance is even throughout the floors.

Use A Wood Tape

There can be situations where the gaps have not formed between the planks.

Still, with the walls, in such a situation, it would be necessary to call a professional to strip out the planks and fill the gaps, as temporary methods might not be useful and can press into other boards or the wall structure.

Use Wood Tape
Use Wood Tape

However, you can use wood tape of similar color to cover it up if you want to.

Using wood tape is also helpful if the gaps are created in low-traffic areas and you do not have enough time for longer repairs.

It can allow you to conceal the damaged area and hide it from plain sight so that it does not allow moisture inside the gap or make your floors look bad.

However, it is recommended that you only use it as a temporary method and not a permanent repair.

Wood tape is a quick and easy fix that completely hides the holes and prevents the appearance of your hardwood floors from degrading.

Although it is very easy, it is a temporary method that only works for the appearance and look of the floors and does not fill or support the wood from any point.

Therefore, you should only opt for this solution if the hole is not too serious, the floors are not used too much, and you want to save money on it.

However, you won’t face any problems with getting the right color to match your hardwood floors, as these are available in numerous shades and tones to give you the perfect match.

But once you have found the right color and tone, cut the desired length and press it neatly on the floors to cover up the gap.

But make sure that the gap is minimal; otherwise, it would be foolish not to fix large gaps and only use tape to cover them up.

Use A Wood Putty

If you think cutting out pieces of wood or rope is too much of a task while using wood tape is too naive, we have the perfect solution for you.

Using a wood putty is a suitable solution to fix gaps in hardwood floors and can allow the wood to have a firm structure and even room to expand when needed as it does not restrict the motion.

Besides being impermeable, it does not allow moisture or other unwanted materials to go inside the surface, making it one of the most appropriate ways to fill up gaps in wooden flooring.

Use Wood Putty
Use Wood Putty

In such situations, using wood putty can be helpful as it allows the gap to be filled without having to do complex procedures and other such measures.

Wood putty works best for linear gaps or cracks in the wood and can even cater to them if they are considerably wide, so you don’t have to go for resurfacing or replacement, and you can save money.

However, there is one important factor that you must know before you opt for wood putties to fill in the gaps in your hardwood floors.

Wood putty does not solidify or harden like fillers, and it does not bond with the wood.

Therefore, you must understand that you will be filling the area with a soft material to cover the gap and make it impermeable, but you can’t expect a solid structure inside which will bond with the wood and keep it stronger than before.

As extensive traffic puts much pressure on the floors, having gaps or cracks in such an area is not recommended to be filled with wood putty as it can’t provide the right level of rigidness.

Hence, only use wood putty when the floors do not require additional strength against wearing factors.

However, using wood putty also has its benefits:

  • Firstly, you don’t need to sand the floors using wood putty. As it does not bond with the wood, it doesn’t require any sanding of the wood’ surface to make it smooth.
  • Moreover, sanding it after drying or completing the application is also unnecessary for the same reason.
  • Using wood putty is one of the easiest ways to fix holes in hardwood floors, as all you need to do is fill the hole with the right amount of putty.
  • Once that is done, you can easily remove the excess product from the floor’s surface, if any. The excess can be removed using a clean cloth or tissue paper.

Another fun fact about the wood putty is that it usually does not accept stains.

While various products might respond differently to staining, the general narrative is that they can’t be stained.

However, wood putty comes in various colors, so you don’t have to stain it, and it can match the color and tone of your hardwood floors.

This way, not only does it save you a lot of effort and time, but it also saves much money if the project.

This is another reason why wood putty is known as one of the most economical and reliable solutions to fix gaps in hardwood floors.

Besides, with diverse colors, it would not be hard to find the right tone for your hardwood floors so the repaired area does not stand out.


If your hardwood floors have developed gaps, you don’t need to panic as the repairing method is not that difficult.

Even if you are new to hardwood floors or DIY methods, you can easily use one of the methods mentioned above to fix gaps in your hardwood floors.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your tool kit now and start fixing all the gaps in your hardwood floors right away!

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