How Do You Perk Up Old Hardwood Floors: Definitive Guide

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Hardwood floors are an investment, and it is sad to see old hardwood floors getting dull and hazy.

Every homeowner wants their hardwood floors to look their best and shine at all times. However, many people move into houses with the worst condition hardwood floors or don’t know how to get their hardwood floors to look new again.

You can easily perk up old hardwood floors through a 3 step process:

  • Cleaning sanding (if required)
  • Rejuvenating
  • Sealing
Perking Up Old Hardwood Floors

With these 3 easy steps, your old hardwood floors will become new again and will slowly regain their old color, shine, and prestige.

How Do You Perk Up Old Hardwood Floors? – Spice Up Your Wooden Surfaces

If your old hardwood floors are worn out, there are a few simple ways to bring them back to life. Stay tuned and learn the easiest and most magical ways to revive your old hardwood floors!

How Do You Perk Up Old Hardwood Floors Infographics

1. Clean & Sand

Cleaning your hardwood floors is crucial if you want them returned to their original color and shine.

The rejuvenating process involves using products and solutions for your hardwood floors, but they will only be effective if cleaned well.

Moreover, you can’t sand down a dirty floor as you will only be gritting dirt and dust on the surface, which might lead to scratches or uneven grain. Hence, cleaning your hardwood floors before you attempt anything else is important.

Also Read: How To Make Hardwood Floors Shine Like They Are Wet?


Firstly, you must use a vacuum to clear away all the dust and residues of food and other items, such as lint or furs, that might be present on the floor.

You don’t want these to get trapped on the surface; hence, it is only wise to remove them immediately.

You can’t wet mop the floor right away because if the floor is too dirty, you may create a puddle of mud and water or move dirt around.

Wet Mop

Hence, once you’re done vacuuming, take a bucket of water and mop the surface to eliminate any remnants and dust particles the vacuum could’ve missed.

You can also add your desired product and water in the recommended quantities.

After that, clean the surface with a wet towel or cloth to remove any dust that may have accumulated in the corners or edges, which might not be possible for the mop to remove.


You can easily use a wet Swiffer on hardwood floors to clean any dirt and grim from the surface. Using wet items on wood floors, particularly hardwood floors with pricey sealants is frowned upon.

Additionally, Swiffer is excellent for cleaning surfaces. Therefore, sure, You can use these mops on hardwood floors.

Swiffer performs excellently on wooden decks and can be used without hesitation. Typically, indoor hardwood flooring has a glossy, smooth surface.

In contrast, wood porch flooring frequently has a rougher surface finish, a harsher grain, or isn’t coated. Swiffer’s cleaning products perform poorly on areas like wooden decks.


If the surface hasn’t been cleaned for a long time and there is crusted dust, you can use a mild brush or a used toothbrush to scrub it. This will remove all the dirt and grime stuck between the flooring boards.

Use a paper towel to wipe the surface dry. This will remove any stickiness which is not visible to the naked eye. If you want to learn to get rid of cloudiness on wooden floors permanently, do check out this guide on how to avoid cloudiness on hardwood floors.

Make sure to clean the corners and edges properly. Good scrubbing can prevent dust and grime from accumulating in the intersection points and under the corners.


If you think that the surface of your hardwood floors has been clogged and the upper layer doesn’t seem to give way to the wood grain, you need to sand it down.

Most of the time, there is a build-up on top of hardwood floors over time which can hide the wood’s grain or meddle with the texture.

However, sanding the surface with a recommended gritter or sandpaper can allow you to bring back the original texture of the wood.

Slow and soft sanding with a gritter or sandpaper that is not too harsh for the surface will be good enough.

It is best to start from the farthest end of the room and move your way toward the door. Moreover, it is also recommended to work your way along the wood grain for the best results and a better appearance.

In addition, once you’ve sanded down your old hardwood floors, dry mop them once to get rid of all the wood shavings and sawdust before you can proceed to the next step.

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2. Rejuvenate

Once you are done cleaning your hardwood floors, it is time to bring their original color and shine back.

You can only return them to their original form if you use an effective cleaning solution that polishes the floors and gives them the required moisture they have lost over the years.

We have compiled a list of effective cleaners that have exhibited proven results in rejuvenating old and cranky hardwood floors.

Murphy’s Oil Soap

Murphy oil soap can bring shine and clean your hardwood floor with proper guidance.

While different oil soap brings out the shine of flooring, Murphy Oil soap does a much better job at cleaning old hardwood floors with stubborn stains. Unlike polish, it does not buff or fix scuffs and scrapes.

Murphy’s Oil Soap to perk up old hardwood floors

However, it is designed to intelligently combat any residues or remnants on or on the surface of your wooden floors. It clears any blockage in the pores of your vintage flooring and adds shine and moisture.

Without creating a greasy residue, the product is designed to lay out a healthy shine on wood surfaces, paneling, and furnishings if not used in excess.

It seeks to bring out the charm of wood gently and naturally. Wood treated with Murphy’s Oil can develop a satin surface and a deep, rich luster.


Pine-Sol is a superb cleaner and polisher for worn-out and old wooden surfaces. Often, wooden polishes are only suited for some surfaces and finishes.

You might’ve encountered situations where acid-based cleaners and disinfectants ruined oil-finished surfaces.

But thankfully, this is not the case with Pine-Sol, as it is a very mild polish suitable for all types of surfaces.

Pine-Sol to perk up old hardwood floors

Coming to its effectiveness, it has been tested on different types of wood and finishes. It has come out successful in all tests and is a verified disinfectant.

Moreover, it makes sure to keep your old hardwood floors in a pristine condition and does not damage the wood grains like many of its competitors do.

Cheap products usually seep into the pores, making the wood swell and lose its original form rather than getting a shine and revival.

Instead of bringing out the shine, this causes clogging of the pores and allows molds to build.

However, Pine-Sol is very gentle on your wooden belongings and an effective disinfectant that you must have in your house.

Bona Spray Cleaner

Use this ph-balanced Bona spray cleaner to maintain the best possible condition for your vintage hardwood floors. The ph-balance allows it to counter all impurities be they acidic or base.

With this solution, rejuvenating old hardwood floors will only take a few cleaning sessions while maintaining them would merely require a weekly clean. Spray, wipe and watch as the quick-drying solution effortlessly removes debris, dirt, and stuck-on grime.

Bona Spray Cleaner to perk up old hardwood floors

Despite the brightness, the solution won’t cause floors to become slick or look murky and dreary. It also doesn’t leave behind residue that might make floors sticky.

The cleaner also qualifies as an EPA cleaner choice product, demonstrating that it adheres to strict environmental and human health standards.

Bona Pro Concentrated

Bona Pro hardwood concentration is a non-toxic, ph-neutral wooden floor cleaner and shiner with a specifically designed formula for old hardwood floors.

It brings out an exceptional amount of long-lasting shine in your hardwood floors, which you might wish for.

It is quite effective and long-lasting; besides, it can support various surfaces and finishes so you don’t have to worry about changing cleaners every time you need to clean your vintage hardwood floors.

Bona Pro Concentrated to perk up old hardwood floors

Moreover, unlike many other cleaners, it doesn’t have a higher VOC content making it suitable for your health and the rejuvenation of your hardwood floors

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Sealing your hardwood floors once they have received the right treatment is highly important. This will lock in the necessary moisture and protect your hardwood floors from damaging factors.

There are various materials that you can seal your hardwood floors with. The purpose of these protective sealants is to prevent the floors from getting too moist or too dry.

Moreover, they also protect the floors from scratches, scuff marks, dents, and spillages.

Here are a few options you can use for protecting your hardwood floors:

  • Oil-based finishes (stains, polyurethane)
  • Water-based finishes (stains, polyurethane)
  • Wood paints
  • Wood Sealants

Ensure the surface is dry and the cleaning solutions or polishes have dried off before applying any sealants.

Apply your preferred product according to the instructions given by the manufacturer and let the sealant dry and harden. Then you can move your furniture in the room and easily inhabit the area.

How To Make Hardwood Floors Shine Naturally?

You can make your hardwood floors shine naturally using natural solutions such as black tea, vinegar and water, and lemon juice.

If you don’t want to use expensive commercial products, you can achieve the same results with natural floor cleaners. Here are some useful solutions which will help you rejuvenate your hardwood floors:

Black Tea

Black tea is a great cleaner and shiner for hardwood floors because of its acidic properties. It is a simple and quick technique that can bring many benefits.

Black Tea for hardwood floors

Brewing the tea and using it to clean the floors takes only a few minutes, and it is an affordable and convenient solution compared to other methods.

This makes it a great way to restore the shine of your hardwood floors that may have been lost over time.

Related: Will Hydrogen Peroxide Whiten Hardwood Floors?

Vegetable Oil & Apple Cider Vinegar

This harsh solution should be used on something other than new hardwood floors. It is not diluted in any way as it is made for old hardwood floors, which have lost their color and shine for some time now.

Besides, this is also very easy to make as you need to mix two ingredients in equal portions and apply them to the surface.

Vegetable Oil & Apple Cider Vinegar for hardwood floors

As vinegar is a natural polish, it will restore the shine of your hardwood floors and combat dirt and grim to clean the floors.

Vegetable oil, on the other hand, will seal the floors and lock the shine in so it can last longer.

How Can I Make My Old Hardwood Floors Look New Again?

It would be best to clean any dirt or grime on the floor, clean the surface with a cleaner, and apply polish; once you’ve done that, you must seal the hardwood floors.

Doing so can make your old hardwood floors look new. Once you’ve done this process, make sure you clean and polish the floors regularly, so the wood slowly regains its color.

How Do You Rehydrate Old Hardwood Floors?

Use a revitalizing or rejuvenating product of your choice and apply it to the hardwood floor to give your floor the lost moisture and make it look shiny and luscious once again.

A decent wood condition is also a good choice to treat your wood floors right and get their moisture back.

Related: What Does Vinegar Do To Wood Floors? The Surprising Effects

How Can I Revive Old Hardwood Floors Without Sanding?

If you don’t want to sand your hardwood floors, use a chemical abrasion kit on your hardwood floors and repeat the process a few times until the build-up is removed.

Besides, it is best to consult the product’s recommendations/usage instructions and ensure you use it correctly.

How Do You Restore Dull Hardwood Floors?

How Do You Restore Dull Hardwood Floors?

You can easily restore your dull hardwood floors through sanding and refinishing as it can remove the old built-up layer of dirt and grime and renew the surface of the floors. Moreover, refinishing can lock in the shine of the floors and maintain their rich luster.

Also Read: What Not To Use On Hardwood Floors?

Final Thoughts

Reviving old hardwood floors is an interesting and easier task than it seems. In fact, if you have some free time and old hardwood flooring at home, you must take up this project and be determined to bring back the lost grace and prestige of your expensive hardwood flooring.

So what are you waiting for? Follow the tips mentioned above and perk up your old hardwood floors today!

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