Does Pine-Sol Damage Hardwood Floors: Is It Worth Using?

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Pine-Sol is a renowned cleaner for hardwood floors which has been used by thousands of homeowners for decades.

It is an effective cleaner with satisfying results; however, many people have recently joined the debate of whether Pine Sol will damage hardwood floors or not.

But there hasn’t been any clear outcome yet.

Pine Sol damages hardwood floors if used in concentrated form. To break this myth, Pine-Sol is a strong cleaner that is meant to be diluted in water before it can be used on sealed or unsealed hardwood floors. However, if not diluted, the harsh substance will surely damage your hardwood floors over time.

Pine-Sol effects on hardwood floors

Besides, there are certain instructions you must follow before you can apply the Pine Sol solution to various surfaces.

Is Pine Sol Good For Hardwood Floors?

Pine sol is an amazing cleaner for hardwood floors that works wonders and makes your floor clean and spotless.

Alongside cleaning, Pine-Sol also disinfects the hardwood floors so you can walk barefoot on your floors without worrying about catching any diseases.

Moreover, this also makes the floor safe for toddlers who want to sit on the surface and play for an extended period.

Is Pine Sol Good For Hardwood Floors?

Pine Sol can cater to various types of engineering, synthetic or natural hardwood.

Besides, if your wooden floors are porous, you need not worry, as they can still do their job effectively regardless of the type of wood.

However, do not use your bare hands when handling Pine Sol. As a disinfectant, it has a chemical pesticide in the formula, making it dangerous for your skin and food.

So, before beginning your cleaning tasks, make sure to place on a pair of gloves. It is best to rinse the floor after you’ve cleaned it with Pine-Sol if you have kids who might play on the surface.

Although the floor has been disinfected, the slightly chemical nature of the substance can cause a tricky situation if your child is allergic to any of the ingredients.

A thorough cleaning session followed by a damp mop will work perfectly to keep your hardwood floors safe and in pristine condition.

Lastly, we strongly advise you to try the Pine Sol’s effectiveness before using them throughout the area with hardwood floors.

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Is Pine-Sol Safe For All Floors?

Pine Sol is safe for all types of floors if used properly; you must dilute the liquid in water according to the recommended usage.

Pine-Sol is a strong solution that needs to be diluted before it can be applied to various surfaces.

Although sealed surfaces do not care much or give any regard to harsh solutions, you must be very careful regarding porous non-sealed surfaces.

However, if too much dirt builds up on a porous floor, you can combine bleach and water, apply it with a sponge, rinse it off, and allow everything to air dry.

Is Pine Sol Safe For Wood Floors?

Pine-Sol is not recommended for unsealed, visibly worn, oiled, or waxed wood floors.

Before reaching for a bottle of Pine-Sol, dry-mop, sweep or vacuum your wood floor to rid it of dust, crumbs, dirt, and pet hair.

Dilute ¼ cup of Pine-Sol in 1 gallon of water in a bucket. Mop your wood floor with the solution, ensuring not to leave puddles, which can crack and warp wood flooring.

Use Pine-Sol straight out of the bottle on stubborn floor stains such as grease.

Is Pine Sol Safe For Wood Floors?

Squirt some on a sponge or old toothbrush – never a rough scouring pad or steel wool – and scrub the stain, then wipe the floor with a damp sponge to restore your natural shiny finish.

To clean quickly and effectively, use a mop. While using water to clean is generally safe, moving rapidly and quickly to dry the area with a dry cloth and a fan is crucial.

When damp, wood expands naturally, and if exposed to moisture for an extended period, it can rot, fracture, and splinter.

If you want to learn what cleaning ways might be effective and safe for waxed floors, I encourage you to read this article on how to clean waxed hardwood floors.

Does Pine-Sol Leave A Sticky Residue?

Pine Sol is an oil-based cleaning solution that leaves an oily residue once dried. According to the instructions, you must dilute the solution before it can be used on any surface.

However, it leaves a sticky residue once dried, a nuisance for many homeowners.

Once you’ve cleaned your floors with Pine Sol, the solution starts to dry, but only the water and a few other substances evaporate while the oil remains on the surface.

This attracts dirt and mud as you tread on it or simply from the environment; slowly, as you repeat this process, a dark layer forms on top of your hardwood floors.

The oil mixed up with all the dirt and grime hardens, forming a solidified layer on the top.

Besides, this might cause your wood to lose its original color and grain while becoming dull and weak.

Does Pine-Sol Make Wood Floors Shine?

Although it leaves a sticky, oily residue, Pine Sol makes the hardwood floors shine like no other.

The oil-based solution makes it a high-gloss finish, allowing light and other substances to be reflected off the surface.

Be it porous or non-porous surfaces, Pine-sol forms a film on the tip, which helps retain the shine and prevents any unwanted exposure to your wooden surfaces.

Does Pine-Sol Make Wood Floors Shine?

Hence, making it a suitable shiner and cleaner for your hardwood surfaces.

Moreover, it makes your new hardwood floors shine and allows your vintage or damaged hardwood floors to restore their shine over time.

I have also shared the other methods of making hardwood floors shine like they are wet which you’ll surely find helpful in your cleaning routine.

Why Is My Floor Sticky After Using Pine-Sol?

The floor becomes sticky due to the oily residue of the Pine-Sol solution. The sticky nature of the oil makes it a residue that sticks to shoes and feet while walking or children’s clothes if they sit on it.

If you want to avoid this, you can dry the floor with a towel as soon as you clean the surface or rinse the floors.

Rinsing does not mean pouring buckets of water on your hardwood floors, as that would only damage the wood due to increased water exposure.

You need to wring out a cloth or a mop and clean the surface with it to get rid of any residue that might have bothered you later on.

Related: Why Is My Hardwood Floor Sticky After Swiffer?

Final Thoughts

Pine sol is a proven satisfactory cleaner that provides optimum results and cleans your hardwood floors thoroughly.

It can cater to new or old wood and provide maximum cleaning to prevent dirt accumulation.

Moreover, being a strong disinfectant, it also protects your floors from infestations and bacteria which might be a risk to your health.

If you use the solution according to the given instructions, you will surely find it safe for all types of recommended surfaces.

However, using it in concentrated form might mean that you are severely damaging your hardwood floors.

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